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Photo Collage

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Almost Friday!!

It's almost Friday! This has been the longest week for some reason...maybe because Daddy has been gone to Arizona all week for work. Kyle REALLY misses daddy when he is gone as do our girls. Daddy comes back tomorrow for the weekend so we are all ready and planning a yummy dinner for him. I have been blessed with 3 kids that LOVE to cook as much as I do so we have a whole menu planned out for tomorrow night. Kyle's favorite job is breaking the eggs. No one has choked on any egg shells yet so it's all good.

Kyle and Dad will be attending the Nationwide Soboba Tournament this weekend. Kyle is looking forward to watching some golf and hanging with dad.

Kyle is a little nervous about school tomorrow...he has to do a 3-5 minute presentation on Christopher Columbus. He also has a spelling and vocabulary test. Poor 3rd graders these days....I don't think I gave any presentations in front of the class until middle school! I know he is prepared and will do well but he is so hard on himself.

Well we are off to do our nighttime bath, cuddles and prayers.....

Have a fantastic weekend!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Soboba Springs Nationwide Tour Kid's Clinic

Yesterday was so fun!!
There were about 200 kids at the golf clinic. 20 kids were picked to pair up with a pro to hit a few.

Kyle was paired up with Jason Gore. He was great and Kyle enjoyed watching him hit a few also. They worked on fading and Kyle had so much fun.
Thank you Jason and GOOD LUCK this week!! :)

And in the end.....Kyle still just wants to be a kid! He wants one of these for our backyard!! Ha :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


We are heading to the kid's golf clinic at Soboba Springs Country Club this afternoon! Kyle is very excited :) I will take pictures and get some video while we are there. We will post all about it tomorrow!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

End of the week......

Well it was a busy week! With school, homework and day to day chores the week fills up pretty quickly. Kyle only got to golf once this week. It gets harder and harder trying to fit in 3-4 hours of golf more often. He would probably like to golf everyday but he doesn't complain too much :)

He did enjoy church this morning!! He was able to go wearing his pajamas and with crazy blue hair. What a fun day to spend at children's church....they never had things like that when I was his age going to church. After church he and Daddy were off to the course. When I asked him how he played, he said "I think I need to pratice"...he then told me about some awesome shot he made through trees and it landed 12 inches from the cup. So I am not real sure what he meant by needing practice!! Haha

Kyle is looking forward to Tuesday of this coming week. He will be participating in a golf clinic at Saboba Springs. Each child will be paired up with a pro. I will post some pictures of the event afterwards...should be a great time.

Here is to another fantastic week and thank you for taking the time to read Kyle's blog!!

Until next time.........

Friday, September 24, 2010

This is Kyle

i had my first tournament on september 13th. finally i made a hole in one on my first tournament! it was fun because jake olson was there and we raised a lot of money. just to tell you the best college team is ohio state and jake likes usc. boo usc. in school my favorite class is latin. i have dog name mimi and bently and we are watching roger for our neighbor. they wake me up in the morning by licking me in the face! i hope i make a hole in one next year in my tournament. see you later

KYLE 111111111111111111111

Kyle and Jake Olson.....

.....Jake's foursome placed first in the TKE Tournament! Jake lost sight in both eyes due to Retinoblastoma but he is still an amazing golfer! His courage, determination and positive attitude warms my heart!

Welcome to the new blog!!

Thank you so much for your support! We are wrapping up the 2010 Through Kyle's Eyes Celebrity Golf Tournament. We are excited to report that we have exceeded our expectations for our first foundation tournament and have raised over $50,000!! We could not have done this without the help of all who contributed!! I have pictures posted on the website of the event....make sure to check them out :)